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Educational wisdom fusing the best of modern research with the ancient philosophers of education.
Can students do better quality work when they slow their pace? Well, in this episode Kolby, Jason and Patrick discuss Cal Newport's book Slow Productivity to apply the central principles of his book to the classroom environment. Learn about doing fewer things, working at a natural pace and obsessing over quality.
Discussed in this episode:
- Cal Newport, Slow Productivity
The Educational Renaissance Podcast is a production of Educational Renaissance where we promote a rebirth of ancient wisdom for the modern era. We seek to inspire educators by fusing the best of modern research with the insights of the great philosophers of education. Join us in the great conversation and share with a friend or colleague to keep the renaissance spreading.
Take a deeper dive into training resources produced by Educational Renaissance such as Dr. Patrick Egan's new book entitled Training the Prophetic Voice available now through Amazon.

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