The goal of Educational Renaissance is to promote a rebirth of ancient wisdom about education for the modern era. We want to help stoke the fires of that rebirth in your community.

Our Educational Renaissance authors are gifted speakers, who regularly train teachers both at their local schools and at regional and national events. Presenting at the annual conferences of ACCS, SCL and CiRCE, our partners also visit local schools to provide in-depth training.

Write us at to schedule a free initial consultation.

Training in the Academic Core

The following are a selection of training and consultation topics we regularly provide:

  • Bringing Narration to Your School
  • Implementing Habit Training
  • Classroom Practices and Techniques
  • The Philosophy of Classical Education
  • Modern Research and Classical Teaching
  • Introducing Charlotte Mason to Your School
  • Building Atmosphere and Culture
  • Effective Discussion-based Teaching
  • Coaching and Observing Teachers
  • Using Teach Like a Champion in a Classical Context

Consulting Packages

Virtual Meetings
  • 90-minute remote consultation session via Zoom: $250
On-site Meetings
  • Half-day training: $750 + travel, room and board
  • Full-day training: $1,500 + travel, room and board
  • Two-day training: $3,000 + travel, room and board

Long-term consulting packages negotiated.

Experience a Training Session

Educational Renaissance aims to provide in-depth training for the academic program of your school. Rather than sharing a canned speech, our EdRen authors aim to connect with the needs of each school. We personalize our consultation and training by combining our core training sessions to meet your needs. We also work with school leadership to understand the issues and problems you are facing to determine how to enable your academic program to flourish.

Click below to watch a free example of how our EdRen authors connect an event’s theme to the heart of their topic. Each training session is a new and exciting learning experience for us!