Back to School: 3 Principles for Returning to School Amidst the Pandemic

Our world has been turned upside down in the last five months, or so it feels, and a course-correct doesn’t seem likely soon. While educational leaders across the country have sought to stay positive and assure families of an in-person return to school in August, some are having to pivot back to remote and hybrid scenarios last minute. Meanwhile, those who are returning to school in-person must continue to endure the incessant news cycle and the unpredictability each new day brings. How are teachers to begin the school year in such times? Let me suggest three principles for returning to

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“Teach Like a Champion” for the Classical Classroom, Part 2: Teacher-Driven Professional Development

There are two general approaches to professional development in education, one that is supervisor-driven and the other that is teacher-driven. In the supervisor-driven approach, the principal or dean is the primary driver for teacher development. The principal sets the goals, schedules observations, provides feedback, and identifies future growth areas. The strength of this approach is that it puts the responsibility of developing teachers on administrators, field experts who have been on their journey as educators long enough to develop a general sense of best practices to pursue and pitfalls to avoid. The notable weakness of the supervisor-driven approach is that

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old iron levers

The Problem of Technicism in Conventional Education

Technicism is not simply an over-fascination with technology as a means of stimulating learning out of students, though that problem plagues conventional education as well. Instead, I use the term ‘technicism’ to refer to a broader ideological approach to education that has become captivated by quantitative measurements and the economic evaluation of success. In technicism education has been reduced to something that can be measured in numbers alone. Teachers are made into technicians, who simply pull the levers and push the buttons assigned to them by the ruling technocrats. Technicism focuses on quantities and techniques, rather than quality and values.

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The Importance of Courage and Curiosity for School Leaders Today

If you were to make a short list of some of the most important traits for school leaders, what would you include? You might start with confidence. Confidence affords leaders the ability to stay calm under pressure and remain focused on a course of action when the going gets tough. Or perhaps humility comes to mind. The quality of humility enables a leader to see beyond her own well-being in order to seek the well-being of others. Along with confidence or humility, you might think of perseverance. Perseverance is that invaluable leadership trait that propels a leader to never give

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Cultivating a Community: Wisdom for Parents Educating at Home Amidst the Present Crisis

In the last few weeks, life has changed dramatically for families across the globe. For families living in some parts of the United States, the most predictable elements of their busy schedules—the nine-to-five work day, daily school routine, church commitments, soccer practice, piano lessons—have vanished from the calendar. For perhaps the first time since the holidays, last summer, or never, families finally have the chance to breathe.  But will they? How will families adapt in such a crisis? And how will they ensure their children’s learning continues while at home, far removed from the influence of their teachers? The Stoics,

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marketing manipulation

Marketing, Manipulations and True Classroom Leadership

Earlier this fall I finished reading Simon Sinek’s Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Besides being inspired and challenged in my own leadership, I was deeply taken with his vision for effective marketing or branding: the idea that starting with why the organization exists is the most effective way to inspire excellence and a loyal following. I was first introduced to Simon Sinek by one of my former students. He was working on his Senior Thesis with me, and his topic was the negative ramifications of the smart phone. So naturally he shared with me

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Liberating Education from the Success Syndrome

The quest for success in education is a familiar narrative for students, teachers and home educators alike. Schools especially can often get caught up in the elusive search for success. As Christian schools, the desire to reach as many students as possible in order to make as big a kingdom impact as possible is laudable. As classical schools, the ambition to provide a rigorous education in order to propel students onto the college pathway is powerful. The urgency of achieving success now on all fronts means that most of us are confronted with the “success syndrome,” in other words, the

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Strategic Instruction: Optimizing Classroom Performance for Small and Large Classes

It is often assumed among administrators, teachers, and parents alike that the smaller the class size, the better the instruction, and consequently, the greater the academic achievement. After all, each teacher possesses a finite amount of time, focus, and energy, so it would seem that smaller class sizes would be ideal for preventing teachers from being spread too thin.  But what if this assumption is wrong? Or, at least, what if the relationship between class size and academic achievement isn’t so simple? This is precisely what Malcom Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, explores in a chapter of David and

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So Your Middle Schooler Wants to Go to a Different School ? 3 Strategies for High School Retention

It’s an incontrovertible rule of life: every middle schooler will express a desire to go to a different school than the one they are currently in – any school – just as long is it is different. For small, private schools, this can be a worrisome proposition. Enrollment attrition is to be expected at key stages, most prominently advancing from 8th to 9th grade. Parents who chose your school over all others now feel that their child needs to bear more of the decision for where to go. Bigger schools with more programs make it seem like tuition dollars get

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new guy name tag

New to School: 5 Principles for Starting the Year Well

Have you ever been new to a school? Often there are awkward days trying to find new friends. You feel like there’s an opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Every school has its own culture that needs to be learned and navigated. Whatever succeeded at your previous school might not work here. The temptation to be something you are not is a serious pull.  I am joining a new school this fall, moving from Providence Classical Christian Academy in St. Louis to Clapham School in Wheaton, Illinois. Truth be told, it’s not exactly new to me. I will be

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