What has Ambleside to do with Jerusalem?: A Consideration of Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy of Education as a Model for Teaching Biblical Studies

In this week’s blog post I am going back into the vault to share with you a paper I presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in Atlanta on November 20, 2010. This was a pivotal moment in my career, having earned my PhD and taught for a few years at colleges and seminaries in the US and UK. I joined the faculty of Clapham School in 2009 and there first encountered Charlotte Mason. My introduction to Miss Mason’s philosophy of education completely revolutionized my teaching, and this was something I wanted to share with my biblical studies

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Creating a Culture of Mentorship

In Episode 10 of the Educational Renaissance podcast, we took a deep dive into what Charlotte Mason means by atmosphere, one of the three instruments of education. One of the ideas that surfaced was the concept of mentoring. In today’s article I want to extend that discussion to look at some recent research on student mentorship as well as draw on some biblical concepts to round out our understanding of what it means to create a culture of mentorship in schools. Mentoring as a Program When we think of mentoring programs, we often picture something like Big Brothers Big Sisters

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Three People You Should Listen to in 2021

As 2020 wraps up there is much to be grateful for in the midst of one of the most difficult years we’ve experienced as a society. Today is Boxing Day, which is a great day for gift giving, reflection on the year past and perspective on the year ahead. (When I lived in the UK, my family and I fell in love with Boxing Day. It was such a relaxing addition to the Christmas season.) So I would like to give a gift by recommending a few different podcasters who will fill your new year with excellent content and interesting

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Training the Prophetic Voice, Part 6: Classical Rhetoric for the Modern World

In my last post, I explored the concept of internalization. Students need to internalize the truth in such a way that it impacts their lives personally. Obviously this will look different for each individual, so there is no formula. I like to think of each person as embarking on a journey during which they will be transformed by their experiences of truth. It is the truths that are owned by the individual that become powerful messages that spring from the heart and soul of the modern prophetic voice. Having internalized the message of truth, we can now pursue a framework

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Training the Prophetic Voice, Part 5: Internalizing the Prophetic Message

So far in this series, we have explored the theological and biblical paradigms surrounding our understanding of what it means to speak prophetically. It centers around God’s divine revelation to humanity and then becomes expressed through people who take up the message of God’s truth and speaking truth into new contexts. The model of discipleship we explored among the OT prophets and then with Jesus and his disciples helps us see that training the prophetic voice is very much an educational enterprise. At this point in the series, we pivot to the formation of individuals in our classrooms. We will

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Training the Prophetic Voice, Part 4: Jesus as Prophetic Trainer

In my ongoing series on training the prophetic voice, we have looked at several biblical and theological aspects of what it means to speak with a prophetic voice. We have seen how speaking truth is the heart of the prophetic voice, and that God himself is the theological grounding of our conception of truth-speaking. In my last article, I developed the concept of the schools of the prophets in the Old Testament. The master prophets not only spoke truth to power, but they cultivated the prophetic voice among their disciples. In today’s article, we will explore how Jesus founded a

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Training the Prophetic Voice, Part 3: The Schools of the Prophets

In my previous two articles on training the prophetic voice, I laid some groundwork by establishing first that our understanding of prophecy (truth telling) is grounded in the character of God as a truth-telling God, and second that the kind of truth we are talking about is of a moral nature when we are considering prophetic acts and speeches. My goal with this series of articles is to promote the idea that our schools are aimed at developing the prophetic voice of our students. In this next article, we travel back to the Bible to make some observations about where

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Training the Prophetic Voice, Part 2: Speaking Truth to Power

Among the primary aims of our educational movement is to train our students in the art of rhetoric so that they can contribute meaningfully to the major cultural debates of our society. Enacting real and lasting change occurs as people dare to promote and defend what is true, good and beautiful in a world that is fallen and hurting. As we continue our series on training the prophetic voice, we consider next what it means to speak truth to power. Previous articles in this series, Training the Prophetic Voice: Part 1: The Educational Heart of God A Sweltering Day in August

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Training the Prophetic Voice, Part 1: The Educational Heart of God

The God we worship and serve is an educating God. Our God has chosen to reveal himself to those whom he has created. God’s verbal communication with his creation is expressed in the opening of John’s gospel, “In the beginning was the Word.” Our God is a speaking God, which means he is continuously teaching people, taking them from a place of ignorance to a place of understanding. There are numerous implications emanating from this concept of God as an educator. In this article, we will explore the many facets of God’s educational heart. We will see that the foundational

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Class of 2020: The Next Greatest Generation

The class of 2020 has felt the full force of the disruption caused by the Coronavirus. Graduation ceremonies have been cancelled, postponed or held virtually online. Nothing about the spring of senior year went according to plan for the class of 2020. It has been described as catastrophic and traumatic by students, parents and teachers. In the face of such obstacles, how do we maintain a confident faith? Part of gaining the courage to lead, we must come to grips with our current circumstances. I myself find great meaning in the quote by Marcus Aurelius, “What stands in the way

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